Since its establishment

Since its establishment in 1947, the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) has worked hard to sustain the Cocoa industry in Ghana. COCOBOD was established with a mission to encourage and facilitate the production, processing and marketing of premium quality cocoa, coffee and Shea nut in all forms in the most efficient and cost effective manner and maintain best mutual industrial relations with its workers.

In our effort to achieve the mission and objectives, we uphold social conscience, treat our farmers fairly and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with all stakeholders.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are aimed at embracing responsible actions and encouraging a positive impact through our activities for our farmers, environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders.

Thus we have a corporate social responsibility to cocoa farmers, the media, Government, Licensed Buying Companies (LBCs), our clients, the general public and the world in which we operate.

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