The Ghana Cocoa Board was established by ordinance in 1947 with the sum of ¢ 27 million (being Ghana's share of the net profit of the West African Produce Control Board) as its initial working capital. The Board traces its beginning further back to the cocoa hold-up of 1937.

The Board first rented and occupied the old premises of the Export Produce Control Board on 28th February Road, Accra, and when Swan Mill, which was built by the United Africa Company Limited was completed, it rented part of it at an annual cost of approximately ¢ 4,500.00 after which it acquired its own building.

In 1957, the late Dr. Kwame Nkrumah the then President of the Republic of Ghana, laid the foundation stone to mark the construction of Cocoa House at 41 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Accra to provide offices for the Board.

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